Halocom cần tuyển vị trí Planner intern làm việc tại Hồ Chí Minh, mức lương 2,000,000 VND. Chi tiết công việc như sau:

Mô tả Công việc

  • Join in research and collect data to contribute for direction of media plan
  • Develop overall strategic direction for the proposal with team
  • Preparing proposals (with support from Account, Media, Creative) ; building digital plans
  • Joining in present to clients with team
  • Brainstorming with internal teams to garner the most strategic media plans

Yêu cầu Tuyển dụng

  • No experience requirements
  • Good presentation skills
  • Good knowledge of marketing
  • Skills in researching, analyzing & synthetizing information
  • Logical and critical thinking

Chế độ & Phúc lợi

  • Training about categories: FMCG, Banking, Ecommerce, Fintech, Classified, OTA, Beauty, Education,...
  • Training algorithm in all digital channels: Google, Facebook, Coc Coc, Zalo, Linkedin, Tik Tok, DSP,...
  • Training all tools & skills- Highly motivated in working environment
  • Work in a dynamic, fast-paced and international environment
  • Opportunity to become an official employee
  • Allowance: 2 millions + Bonus

Lưu ý khi nộp hồ sơ

Please send your CV at: [email protected]

With email's title: [BrandVN - PI] Your name

Tin hết hạn

Ứng viên nên ghi nguồn Brands Vietnam trong tiêu đề email và thư xin việc (Cover Letter) khi ứng tuyển.

Nơi làm việc:
Hồ Chí Minh
Mức lương:
2,000,000 VND
Cấp bậc:
Thực tập (Intern)
Ngành nghề công ty:
Bộ phận Chuyên môn:
Hoạch định Chiến lược (Strategic Planning)
Nộp hồ sơ:
Đã quá hạn tuyển dụng
Hạn nộp hồ sơ:
Đã quá hạn tuyển dụng
Số lượt xem:
5058 lượt xem

Halocom is a Digital Marketing startup with growing client base. We help companies to achieve business and marketing performance goals through digital channels. Along with a deep understanding of digital advertising, we ride the wave of digital trends to keep developing better solutions for our clients.

Halocom Connect is a Digital Marketing Intelligence Platform that combines modern technologies with flexibility and reliability for entrepreneurs. Through the Halocom Connect platform, we always aim to maximize the use of Artificial Intelligence, especially Machine Learning, in Digital Marketing. To meet the promotional needs of entrepreneurs, Halocom Connect will automatically implement and optimize marketing campaigns using suitable approaches and channels. The method is well-organized and controlled, allowing our clients to save time and money.

We always provide a motivating work climate at Halocom that encourages employees to show off their full potential, reflect on their work, and generate more value for both themselves and Halocom.

Thông tin Công ty

Văn phòng chính:
Tầng 2, Songdo Tower, 62A Phạm Ngọc Thạch, Phường Võ Thị Sáu, Quận 3, TP. HCM
Điện thoại
(849) 6909 2047
[email protected]
Số lượng nhân sự:
Từ 11-49 người

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