YouNet Group cần tuyển vị trí IT Recruiter làm việc tại Hồ Chí Minh, mức lương thương lượng / cạnh tranh. Chi tiết công việc như sau:

Mô tả Công việc

  • Working closely with Hiring Managers to define job descriptions, unique selling points.
  • Sourcing, hunting and developing a network of candidates.
  • Managing recruitment process: job posting, resume screening, interviews scheduling, input database, evaluate candidates, generate offer letter.
  • Keeping up-to-date with the trend of labor market, promoting Employer brand, developing future sourcing through job fairs, career events or partnership programs…
  • Developing database of candidates to make sure all vacancies are ready to fulfill. Participating in building and developing recruitment system.

Report to: Recruitment Leader

Benefit: Basic salary, 13th month salary, performance bonus

Promotion: Senior IT Recruiter/ Recruitment Team Leader

Yêu cầu Tuyển dụng

  • Bachelor degree in HR Management, Economics, IT or relevant degree
  • At least 2 years experience of recruitment in IT industry
  • Technical expertise with an ability to understand and explain job requirements for IT roles
  • Familiarity with candidate databases, applicant tracking systems and candidate management systems
  • Good communication, organizational and time-management skills
  • Good MS Office and English skills.
Tin hết hạn

Ứng viên nên ghi nguồn Brands Vietnam trong tiêu đề email và thư xin việc (Cover Letter) khi ứng tuyển.

Nơi làm việc:
Hồ Chí Minh
Mức lương:
Thương lượng / cạnh tranh
Cấp bậc:
Chuyên viên (Executive, Staff)
Ngành nghề công ty:
Phần cứng & Phần mềm IT
Bộ phận Chuyên môn:
Nhân sự - Hành chính (HR & Administration)
Nộp hồ sơ:
Đã quá hạn tuyển dụng
Hạn nộp hồ sơ:
Đã quá hạn tuyển dụng
Số lượt xem:
19463 lượt xem
YouNet Group YouNet Group YouNet Group YouNet Group YouNet Group

YouNet is the Leading Digital Transformation Group for Marketing powered by Social Intelligence.

Over 10 years of establishment and development, YouNet Group has always been a pioneer in applying social intelligence and technology in the field of digital marketing transformation, in order to bring about comprehensive marketing performance for customers in Vietnamese and international markets.

With the majority of clients being multinational companies and large-scale Vietnamese companies (most of our clients appear in the Fortune 500 and VNR500 lists), YouNet Group has uncountable industry practices related to brand management and multi-channel media, both internal and external. As a result, we have extensive experiences in media consulting, providing strategic solutions, and applying suitable technology products to help businesses catch up with the global 4.0 digital trend.

Thông tin Công ty

Văn phòng chính:
Tầng 2 Lữ Gia Plaza, 70 Lữ Gia, P.15, Q.11, Tp.HCM, Việt Nam
Điện thoại
(028) 6264 6488
[email protected]
Số lượng nhân sự:
Từ 200-499 người

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