AdAsia Vietnam - AnyMind Group cần tuyển vị trí Senior Copywriter làm việc tại Hồ Chí Minh, mức lương thương lượng / cạnh tranh. Chi tiết công việc như sau:

Mô tả Công việc

What You’ll Do

  • Provide creative ideas, concepts for pitching and other content campaigns
  • Lead the team in developing a campaign and manage the team members workload as well
  • Develop tailor-made digital content based on client briefs
  • Research on diverse and varied industries regarding to clients, target audiences, come up with relevant blog topics and posts.
  • Support creative team to process briefs from clients and account management team and translate into effective copy,
  • Translating concepts into sophisticated digital experiences and identifying key messages
  • Proofread all communications developed by the creative team and ensure information accuracy
  • Through self-education, keep up to speed on digital and marketing trends and apply those tactics to projects

Yêu cầu Tuyển dụng

Who You Are

  • A recognized university degree
  • Excellent communication skills in English
  • At least 1 year of working experience in the same position
  • 3+ years of experience in digital and social media marketing (agency experience preferred)
  • Hard-working, committed and able to produce good quality content within tight deadlines
  • Ability to multi-task and manage several projects at once
  • Positive, solution-oriented, and supportive in finding solutions to unexpected challenges
  • Strong in both concept-generation and clear, concise, and grammatically correct copy

Chế độ & Phúc lợi

Why You’ll Love It

  • Competitive Salary
  • Performance Review (2 times per year )
  • Performance Bonus (1 time per year from 0.5-month to 3-month salary amount )
  • Annual Paid Leave (15 days)
  • Marriage, Medical and Compassionate Leave
  • Health Insurance & private healthcare plan
  • Social Security
  • Monthly Birthday Celebration (200,000 VND gift)
  • Monthly, Quarterly, Annual MVP Awards (prizes up to 5,000USD)
  • MacBook to be provided
  • Good chance to explore new trends in the digital market
  • Opportunity to learn and work with the most advanced advertising technology platforms
  • Work in a professional, active, international and dynamic environment
Tin hết hạn

Ứng viên nên ghi nguồn Brands Vietnam trong tiêu đề email và thư xin việc (Cover Letter) khi ứng tuyển.

Nơi làm việc:
Hồ Chí Minh
Mức lương:
Thương lượng / cạnh tranh
Cấp bậc:
Chuyên viên (Executive, Staff)
Ngành nghề công ty:
Digital Marketing
Bộ phận Chuyên môn:
Quảng cáo & Ý tưởng Sáng tạo (Creative, Advertising & Copywriting)
Nộp hồ sơ:
Đã quá hạn tuyển dụng
Hạn nộp hồ sơ:
Đã quá hạn tuyển dụng
Số lượt xem:
332 lượt xem

Founded by Kosuke Sogo and Otohiko Kozutsumi, AnyMind Group started out as AdAsia Holdings in the advertising and marketing technology industry in April 2016. Both founders have a single vision - to empower growth for professionals, businesses, and industries through technology.

The company runs on a simple philosophy - Growth for Everyone. This extends to every stakeholder of AnyMind Group, and also extends to the front of the innovation. AnyMind Group is committed to constant and consistent innovation, staying at the front of new technologies. Coupled with strong business models and technological solutions, this dedication to growth and innovation ensures that all players in the ecosystem benefit and thrive.

AnyMind Group stands firm on three pillars: people, innovation, and localization. Our people are the foundation that the company was built upon, with innovation key to staying at the top. At the same time, localized solutions allow our products across every vertical to be catered to the nuances of each market.

Thông tin Công ty

Văn phòng chính:
Tầng 18, Lim 3 Tower, 29A Nguyễn Đình Chiểu, phường Đa Kao, quận 1
Điện thoại
(028) 3910 1085
[email protected]
Số lượng nhân sự:
Từ 100-199 người

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