Reputyze Asia cần tuyển vị trí Digital Account Executive làm việc tại Hồ Chí Minh, mức lương thương lượng / cạnh tranh. Chi tiết công việc như sau:

Mô tả Công việc

The Digital Account Executive position is responsible for establishing the assign digital & social job scope and implementation over assigned accounts:

  • Support project delivery from briefing, pitching to execution.
  • Taking part in developing proposal for jobs.
  • Take part in the daily management of budget, P&L, scope, timing, quality, and customer satisfaction on assigned jobs.
  • Take major care of relevant ad-hoc & periodical reports for assigned jobs.
  • Working with vendors where needed to brief and review proposals.
  • Help to identify opportunities to implement solutions that increase the effectiveness and efficiencies including the development of tools, process and reports related to job responsibilities.
  • Continually explore and test new digital initiatives and tools.
  • Support business development activities.

Yêu cầu Tuyển dụng


  • Bachelor marketing/business administration/economics degree and other related fields;
  • At least 1+ years of experience in account management.
  • Relevant experience on digital and PR is preferred.
  • Well organized and detail oriented.
  • Good presentation. Writing, and negotiation skills;
  • Sociable and team work spirit.
  • Intermediate English skills including speaking, listening, and writing.


  • Experienced in reputation management, PR, and social listening

Chế độ & Phúc lợi


  • Opportunity to be trained in a 360 degree program on marketing digitalization & digital marketing management.
  • Opportunity to approach modern and well-organized digital marketing project management methodology and process.
  • Friendly & supportive working environment with opportunities to approach new technologies
  • Enjoy fast track programs for talented candidates

Lưu ý khi nộp hồ sơ


  • Make sure to clearly note your work experience and education background in your CV.
  • Particularly mention the position that you are applying
Tin hết hạn

Ứng viên nên ghi nguồn Brands Vietnam trong tiêu đề email và thư xin việc (Cover Letter) khi ứng tuyển.

Nơi làm việc:
Hồ Chí Minh
Mức lương:
Thương lượng / cạnh tranh
Cấp bậc:
Chuyên viên (Executive, Staff)
Ngành nghề công ty:
Digital Marketing
Bộ phận Chuyên môn:
Tiếp thị & Xây dựng Thương hiệu (Brand Marketing & Brand-building)
Nộp hồ sơ:
Đã quá hạn tuyển dụng
Hạn nộp hồ sơ:
Đã quá hạn tuyển dụng
Số lượt xem:
10292 lượt xem
Reputyze Asia Reputyze Asia Reputyze Asia Reputyze Asia Reputyze Asia Reputyze Asia

Reputyze Asia is an innovative digital advertising agency based in Ho Chi Minh City providing professional services for Marketing Digital Transformation and Online Reputation Management. Founded with the mission of Crafting Brand Reputation, the agency strives for achieving & securing clients’ brand position on the internet.

Within the current wave of business expansion, the agency is looking for young talented members, who are enthusiastic on experimenting innovative technology for digital marketing, to join our young and dynamic team and promote the business to a new horizon.

Thông tin Công ty

Văn phòng chính:
72/24 Phan Đăng Lưu, Phường 05, Phú Nhuận, TPHCM
Điện thoại
(028) 7287 3161
[email protected]
Số lượng nhân sự:
Từ 50-99 người

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