Marketer Huy
Nguyễn Đức Huy


Giới thiệu

Before I dropped out of college, live my independent life at HCMC as a hairstylist assistant in my gap year, I self-learning about technology, design and social marketing. While trying to learn as much as possible, I found my purpose is to help others as much as I can. I believe that the method which could help us solve any problems is through education and it should be free and accessible to everybody.

Working in Admicro in the role of a Search Engine Optimize Intern, my goal is to learn how an agency with more than 700 people could collaborate while satisfying my curiousity in Marketing. I love to deliver value and happiness to people around me and support them to extend their limitless potential.

When I'm not working to help other people, I usually read HBR and The Economist, catch up on the news, read ebooks, self-study in MOOCs, watch movies and walk across the city to explore any unknown beauty.

I'm looking forward to our conversation!

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Hà Nội

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Thành viên từ: 15/08/2018 (5 năm 8 tháng)